








The Israelites were miraculously led out of Egypt by the hand of the Lord and His servant Moses. They had seen the works of the Lord and trust followed as a result. Once enslaved and ruthlessly owned, the Israelites were about to journey to the promised land- a land flowing with milk and honey. However, once they ventured out into the desert, they were tested and tried. Did God leave them? No, in fact, each trial was sovereignly ordained. What was their response? They had seen miraculous things from the Lord: The Egyptians were defeated supernaturally, the Israelites needs were being met, but instead, grumbling, impatience, and ungratefulness would soon follow.
As I read through Exodus 14-17 I cannot not help but feel like I am looking in a mirror. See, right after I praise the Lord for His goodness, with the same tongue, I doubt Him and start trusting in myself. I begin to grumble.
In Exodus 15, there was an incredible worship service led by Moses and Miriam celebrating the Israelites miraculous defeat of the Egyptians. After just 3 days in the desert, the Israelites forgot what had just transpired. There was no food or water and the natives became restless. The Lord came through again however. Water, manna, and quail were supernaturally provided. The Lord gave exact instructions for collecting food in the morning and evening, along with observing the sabbath. "Six days you are to gather it (manna and quail), but on the 7th day, there will not be any. Nevertheless, some of the them went out on the 7th day to gather it, but they found none. (Exodus 16:26-27)." Not only did the Israelites disobey the Lord, they also grumbled about wanting to go back to Egypt again! Yes, Egypt! The place where they were enslaved and treated ruthlessly. Instead of looking at the big picture, the Israelites looked back and were willing to resign themselves to slavery once again.
Likewise, how many times do I choose to go back to Egypt where I am subject to slavery (aka- my sin nature) in order to follow after temporary trinkets far away from His will. He has given me the power to cleave to Him and spurn the old man, but like the Israelites I grumble when things don't go my way and I forget (conveniently) who He IS in favor of what's comfortable- even if it means resigning myself to slavery again.
In Mark 4: 35 Jesus got in the boat with his disciples and said to them "let us go over to the other side," and soon after a storm brewed and the boat was nearly swamped. What was Jesus doing after He got on the boat? He was sleeping (v38). During the storm, the disciples woke Him in a panic and said in essence, "Don't you care about us??? Do something!" Jesus calmed the storm, but what He said previously was the key. Did you catch it? He said: "Why are you so afraid, Do you still have no faith?" Ouch. See, Jesus was still in the boat with them, He never left. He was in the same place the whole time but they did not trust Him. Again, it's like I am looking in a mirror when I read about the disciples reaction.
Storms will transpire in life. I don't know where we as Christians, especially myself, came up with the idea that nothing challenging would happen in this world. In Him we are right where we need to be regardless of circumstances. He knows every trial and every infinite small detail about our lives. He is sovereign and expects us to trust Him because He is who He IS. What's often my desire? I'd like to control the waves. I'd like to be comfortable all the time. But, the truth is, how would I ever learn to trust Jesus if storms did not come?
Jesus is going to be in the boat with me at all times- FACT. He is not going to leave me unattended. Even if I don't 'feel' like He is there, HE IS with me, because He is the great I AM. Since Jesus is with me, He's all that I need, no matter what comes. I am called to look for Him IN the waves as He takes me THROUGH them.