








Building Biblical marriages that don't just survive but THRIVE!
Session 1: Expectations, goals, & briefly preview sessions 2-5.
We'll will go over the following expectations and goals together during session 1, which will illustrate the context of each session. Additionally, we'll preview sessions 2-5 along with the assignments.
Please be on-time.
Counseling can be in-person or virtual (once per month).
Each session will last 1 hour.
Have assignments done prior to each session.
We'll schedule the following session at the conclusion of each current session.
In case of sickness or emergency, sessions can be rescheduled.
GOAL #1: Recognize that God MUST be at the center of your marriage.
This may seem obvious, but it’s not. If Jesus is NOT first, your spouse will become an idol (intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously). Putting these unrealistic and impossible expectations on your spouse's shoulders destroys the marriage relationship (and it's NOT Biblical).
GOAL #2: Understand your past and why we ALL must "go back to go forward."
"Jesus may be in your heart but grandpa is in your bones." What a quote! None of us make it out of our family of origin without some baggage. Even if you come from a great family, there's still brokenness involved because no family is perfect (we're all sinners). If we don’t identify and deal with the underdeveloped things from our family of origin, we end up bringing them right into our marriage and repeating unhealthy cycles throughout generations.
GOAL #3: We must seek to follow God’s "blueprint" for marriage.
He invented it.
GOAL #4: Make emotionally healthy relationship skills the preferred communication method in your marriage.
To build a healthy marriage, you must FIRST have a healthy relationship with one another. For example: fighting fairly, listening, quitting false assumptions and mind reading, and being fully present for your spouse are critical skills that must be learned (these skills are not automatic. They take work!).
Session 2: "Your family of origin," Going back to go forward.
*Assignment due: Complete your genogram and answer the genogram questions .
Files to download:
Genogram instructions.
A blank genogram for you to print and fill out,
Jon's genogram (to use as an example if needed).
Genogram questions.
After completing your genogram, answer the following questions and be prepared to discuss:
Session 3: God’s blueprint for your marriage.
*Assignment due: Watch/listen to the sermon and complete the below outline.
Sermon outline/questions:
Download the sermon outline and answer the blanks & questions as you watch/listen to the sermon. Please come prepared to discuss.
Session 4: "Emotionally Healthy Relationship" Skills.
*Assignment due: Download and read over "3 LIFE AND DEATH SKILLS EVERY COUPLE MUST LEARN." Be prepared to discuss.
*ADDITIONAL RESOURCE- Jon's recommendation: After you get married, complete the "Emotionally Healthy Relationships" workbook by Peter and Geri Scazzero together.
Session 5- Review and discuss wedding particulars and details.
Discuss rehearsal dinner.
Discuss order of service, message, and any wedding ceremonies.
Discuss marriage license and certificate (Jon to mail after wedding).