2 Timothy 1:9- "He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time."
Did you catch what Paul said in v9? “He has called us to a holy life.“ Holy means set a part for God. That means we are wholly His! It’s almost like Paul is telling Timothy this (This is my own paraphrase of v8-12): “Timothy, continue to be in awe of what Jesus has done for you on the cross! He’s saved you and called you to be set apart forHis glory. Jesus destroyed sin and death on the cross and has given us eternal life with Him as a result! Listen up. I am not ashamed of the gospel. Follow my example, which is the example of Christ. I’ll do whatever it takes to tell others about the Good News of the Son of God. Look what He’s done through me, and in me for His glory! I don’t care if it costs me my life because there is no life a part from Him anyway! I am His herald. The gospel is the message of my King. I’ve been entrusted by His grace to share our King’s message, and so have you. Timothy, join me in having this same mind”!
Paul had a “God intoxicated heart.” Check out a few statements from the pen of Paul that urge us never to leave the side of the Holy Spirit:
Be constant in prayer– Romans 12:12
Pray in the Spirit at all times-Ephesians 6:18
Continue steadfastly in prayer-Colossians 4:2
In everything let your requests be made known to God-Philippians 4:6
As Christ-followers, how do we practically spread the fire? Better yet, what happens when the Holy Spirit has full say in your life? Listen to Max Lucado: “People on a plane and people in a pew have a lot in common. All are on a journey. Most are well-behaved and presentable. Some doze, and others gaze out the window. Most, if not all, are satisfied with a predictable experience. For many, the mark of a good flight and the mark of a good worship assembly are the same. “Nice,” we like to say. “It was a nice flight/it was a nice worship service.” We exit the same way we enter, and we’re happy to return next time. A few however, are not content with nice. They long for something more.”
When our hearts begin to become “God intoxicated,”we are no longer satisfied with less than God’s best. It’s no longer about us. Instead everything is all about Him. It’s from this changed perspective, the right perspective,that we start to do church and life for real. Everything else is just a game . . . It’s fake, a waste of time. And with that heart ablaze and full of the Holy Spirit, like Paul in v8- we will never be ashamed of the gospel. Jesus will just pour out of us naturally and the fire within us will spread to a world in desperate need of Jesus around us.