








Christian men, you are called by God to lead your home spiritually,
You’ve probably heard that line before. But what does such a powerful charge like this actually look like in real, everyday life? First and foremost, it all flows from an intimate relationship with the Living God. Do you have an intimate relationship with Him? No, I'm not asking if you have a lot of "head knowledge" about the Bible. What I'm asking is this: Has that "head knowledge" made its way down to your heart?
In Exodus 33:12-18, Moses was tasked with leading the Israelites. In verse 12, Moses says to God: “You have been telling me to lead these people but you have not let me know whom you will send with me.” Here’s God’s answer to Moses in verse 14: “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Wow! What an answer!
With everything flowing from an intimate relationship with the God of the universe, what are some characteristics of a Christian man who is serious about leading his family in the Lord?
1. First, he’s teachable.
In verse 13, Moses said to God, “. . . teach me your ways so I may know You and continue to find favor with You." Christian man, how teachable are you? Are you willing to be corrected if there is something unbiblical in your life? Hang on a second. You answered yes to that question too quickly . . . Are you sure the answer is yes? You'll be surprised how many Christian men I encounter who say they are teachable, but when you come to them in love regarding a sin issue, their reaction is anything but humble.
The mark of a humble man is always being ready to grow, even if it means correction. God never changes, however, Christians are called to continually grow up in order to reflect Jesus more each day. Are you fluidly seeking growth in Christ by possessing a teachable spirit? I have a challenge for you, men. Take your wife on a date and ask her the following as you converse over dinner: "Sweetheart, what can I do better"? That will test whether you are truly teachable.
2. Second, he's set apart.
In verse 16(b) Moses said to God, “what else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth.”
Men, if you have the Holy Spirit living inside you (and you do, if you are a Christ-follower!) your life should look different from that of the non-believer. Since you are in charge of leading whether you acknowledge it or not, how seriously you take this charge will greatly effect what goes on under your roof. Is your home set apart for God’s glory? Is this the ultimate goal for your family? Being set apart for God means you are completely sold out for His use and His purposes. As a Christian man, your family is your #1 ministry. Do your wife and kids know that? Are you serious about leading them in Christ?
3. Third, he's audacious.
In verse 18, Moses asks something jaw-dropping: "Lord, show me Your glory." What a request! This means: Lord, I need You. I MUST have more of You! This was the boldest request of Moses' life. So, let me ask you something. When was the last time that you asked God for something audacious? I'm talking about wanting MORE of Him. Do you dare ask the Lord for 'more of His Presence' with no holding back? It's scary, I know. But, here are a few antonyms of "audacious": Afraid, fearful, and cowardly. So, what'll it be, men? There's no more time to mess around.
Remember this today: A man’s heart for his family is directly linked to his love for God.
"Holy Spirit of God, I pray for Christian men. It's more than time for us to step up and be the leaders you've called us to be. The Christian family unit is becoming extinct. Let it not be so, Lord! Please start with me Lord, and light a fire like never before so we as men take back our rightful positions in our homes, which is the position of constantly being on our knees before You. We choose to be obedient to You, Lord, loving You more than ever before, seeking intimacy with You like never before, and as a result, leading and loving our families like never before. In Jesus Name, Amen."