








November 30, 2013.
Auburn University's Jordan-Hare Stadium.
Auburn 34 Alabama 28. FINAL SCORE.
Did that just happen? There's NO WAY that just happened! There has to be a flag SOMEWHERE on the field! How about a holding call?! A block in the back?! Anything! Please!
Nope, nothing.
My jaw dropped. I dropped to the floor and stared at the TV. My wife was screaming with excitement in the background (she went to Auburn... Yea, I know! God has a sense of humor, doesn't He?!). My heart started to pound. I started to sweat. Then, I started to tear up!
Auburn's 109 yard game winning "kick 6" played in my mind over and over in the following weeks, months, and yes even years. After becoming a Christ-follower in 2002, it became apparent to me for the very first time that perhaps I possessed a 'slightly' unhealthy obsession of Alabama football. Hold that thought. Let me take you back to my childhood for a second though before I dive any deeper.
As a child, the only thing my stepfather and I somewhat "bonded" over was College Football. One Saturday afternoon when I was 8 years old the TV came on and Keith Jackson's booming voice captivated my attention. "Welcome to Birmingham, Alabama's Legion Field, the site of the Iron Bowl between the Crimson Tide of 'Aaaaa-la-BAMA' and the Auburn Tigers." My head swiveled around and I caught my first glimpse of those magical crimson helmets glistening in the southern sun. The crowd roared, "Roll Tide." The band played. What looked like superheroes in crimson jerseys ran out on the field. That was it for me.
A love affair started that day between a boy and a college football team. It was so deep that by 10 years old my mind was made up that I was going to attend the University of Alabama after high school and become a sports broadcaster. Everyone in grade school knew me as 'Bama Jon and this continued through high school. My whole identity and reputation centered on the Crimson Tide. In 1997 I attended 'Bama as a freshman and witnessed live what I already knew to be true at the age of 8. The atmosphere at Legion Field and Bryant-Denny Stadium were like nothing I had ever experienced ('Bama split games back then between Birmingham and Tuscaloosa until 1998). Alabama football was a way of life for EVERYONE here.
As the years went by, especially post-college, my fandom remained at an insanely high level. I wanted everyone to know about it. However in 2002, as I mentioned above, Jesus came into my life and did amazing things. He saved my life! (check out my post detailing my testimony). Sadly, I admit there was little separation between my obsession for Alabama football and my love for Jesus. They sort of ran neck and neck at times. Nevertheless, I couldn't escape the constant pulling from the Holy Spirit that something was off. But, since Alabama was so engrained in me my whole life I just ignored His pulling. From 2000 to 2007 'Bama football really struggled due to NCAA rules violations until Coach Nick Saban stepped on campus in 2007 to revive the 'Tide. Saban was a great coach but no one could have predicted the incredible success he would soon have in Tuscaloosa. If you could believe it, I got even more into the Tide. The winning was euphoric. It was addicting. Bama's success made me feel like a winner. I loved the feeling. There were huge games and lots of conference and national titles. I found my identity in all of it and was filled to the brim with Crimson Tide pride.
As the years went by I started to experience an increased level of anxiety while watching the games. It was more than your usual 'cheering for your team to win' nervousness. What used to be fun quickly became a chore. Typically, a fan may feel this way if their team was losing perennially, not winning national championships! My mood would depend on if 'Bama won or lost. More than that, unless they utterly dominated every opponent I wouldn't be satisfied. Furthermore, my entire wardrobe consisted of one color. Crimson. To make matters worse, in an age of 24/7 team coverage via social media I found myself consumed for hours a day looking at everything and anything having to do with Alabama football. I mean EVERYTHING. I had to know every single detail about the team. I worried about injuries. I scouted other teams. I could tell you exactly how Alabama matched up against each team on their schedule and how they could beat them or if they weren't on their game how they could get beat. I had a lot of anxiety about them losing. I would schedule everything around the games. I was in such a focused, trance-like state during each game where I didn't even hear my wife and daughters if they tried to talk to me. I was a mess. Even after each game I'd lay in bed for hours reading every article and interview that I could find. Some nights I couldn't even sleep because I was too amped up from the game if they won or too depressed if they lost.
In recent years I toyed with the idea of possibly cutting back my fandom or trying to watch and not care as much (neither worked out very well!). I even thought about giving 'Bama football up all together! However, I never was serious about any of these ideas. I just couldn't imagine my life without Alabama football. I knew it was an idol in my life but I just kept ingesting it. Something crazy changed this year though.
I watched this season's opening game versus Duke, and Alabama "only" won 42-3. I was angry and grumpy because they didn't "dominate" Duke how I expected. Everything came to a head after the Duke game. I could clearly hear the Lord telling me something had to change, and change NOW! As was my post-game custom, I was in bed after the game looking at coverage for hours and I ran into a podcast and article called "Could you give up Alabama football for God?" I listened to a testimony about a Christian guy around my age who had similar experiences as me with 'Bama. His story detailed fasting from Alabama football for the entire 2014 season until he put Christ above everything, including his Crimson Tide idol worship. The words in this article hit me right between the eyes. I could hear the Holy Spirit saying to me this is what I needed to do, and do it starting immediately! After I read the article I stopped reading football coverage and went to bed.
The next day God gave me direction how to start my fast. It's cool how social media can easily bring people together where in the past certain opportunities to connect with someone were not even possible. I emailed the writer who did the podcast to see if I could get ahold of the fellow who gave his testimony. Hours later I got the green light from the writer and he gave me the guys email. We set up a time to talk over the phone and it was like I was talking to myself! We quickly struck up a friendship (Jesus is so cool like that!) and we agreed to do a 'Bama football fast together immediately. As I am writing this post we are still going strong!
So, what's happened over the last few months during the fast? My relationship with Jesus has gotten closer than ever. My family and I have had great family time on Saturday's instead of building life around football games, and I've even cut back and fasted from some of my other sports teams (I was tempted to worship them too, not surprisingly!). Additionally, I've been able to get more clarity than ever regarding other idols in my life, which needed to be dealt with. It all changed when, by His strength, I allowed God to finally deal with the Crimson Elephant in the room. As a result, I'm never going back to the way things were before, EVER! The goal is to one day be able to watch a 'Bama football game for fun and not care about the result. The Lord taught me that I CAN live without 'Bama football. The truth is, I haven't even really missed it. I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true. Only Jesus can radically deal with strongholds in our lives as we let His Spirit have full control of our hearts. Anything we put over our love for Him will utterly be ruined. It's amazing how He changes our affections when He is allowed full access!
I have to admit; writing all of this is pretty therapeutic as I am finally taking the time to document it! But, it's also a little embarrassing as well. I mean, it's just football- a game! All of 'Bama's championship trophies won't last and will ultimately be forgotten about.
Nevertheless, as Christ-followers, we all have idols in our lives, no matter what they are. Apart from Christ our sinful hearts are so easily bent towards idolatry. Satan, our flesh, and the world will use whatever it takes to distract us from our relationship with the Lord. So, I pray that this post is encouraging to you, or someone you know who struggles in this area of sports idolatry; or any form of idolatry for that matter! None of us are exempt, as EVERY believer struggles with some form of idolatry.
I leave you with this. Here are links to 2 fantastic sermons from Pastor David Platt on Sports Idolatry that really helped me. I still have a lot of growing to do in this area but I praise God for the progress He's made in me!
"Sports and the Gospel," David Platt, sermon 1:
"Sports and the Gospel," David Platt, sermon 2:
Short clip of "Sports and the Gospel," sermon 1-